In certain cases, the attribute that you are trying to map may not be visible in the attributes drop down on the user profile property creation page. In this case, you will need to use PowerShell to map the LDAP attribute to SharePoint profile property. In order to run the script successfully, pleas ensure the following:
You know the name (not Display Name) of the SharePoint Profile Property to which you need to map the attribute
You know the name of the LDAP attribute that you wish to map (case sensitive)
You are logged in as the farm account (the account under which the timer service and central administration application pool is running)
The user profile service application where you need to perform the mapping should be the default service application associated to the central administration web site. Here is how you can verify this:
From central administration, click on “Application Management” on the left navigation bar
Click on “Manage Web Applications”
Select “SharePoint Central Administration v4”
From the Ribbon menu, click on “Service Connections”
Verify that from the list of connections, the user profile service application that you are performing the mapping for is checked and is set as the default service connection.
If the user profile service application proxy where you are performing the mapping is not set as default, please select “custom” as the service connection group and then choose the user profile service application connection that you are working with to perform the mapping.
After you have verified the above, please run the following script to perform the property mapping. Set the value of $url to the url of the central administration web site. Update the values of $spsProperty, $fimProperty and $connectionName to match your environment. Note that the direction of this mapping will be “Import”.
$url = "http://tehnoonr-ws08-4:1125" #URL of any site collection that is associated to the user profile service application.
$spsProperty = "EID" #Internal name of the SharePoint user profile property
$fimProperty = "employeeNumber" #Name of the attribute in FIM/LDAP source
$connectionName = "sun" #Name of the SharePoint synchronization connection
$site = Get-SPSite $url
if ($site)
{Write-Host "Successfully obtained site reference!"}
{Write-Host "Failed to obtain site reference"}
$serviceContext = Get-SPServiceContext($site)
if ($serviceContext)
{Write-Host "Successfully obtained service context!"}
{Write-Host "Failed to obtain service context"}
$upManager = new-object Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.UserProfileConfigManager($serviceContext)
if ($upManager)
{Write-Host "Successfully obtained user profile manager!"}
{Write-Host "Failed to obtain user profile manager"}
$synchConnection = $upManager.ConnectionManager[$connectionName]
if ($synchConnection)
{Write-Host "Successfully obtained synchronization connection!"}
{Write-Host "Failed to obtain user synchronization connection!"}
Write-Host "Adding the attribute mapping..."
$synchConnection.PropertyMapping.AddNewMapping([Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.ProfileType]::User, $spsProperty, $fimProperty)
Write-Host "Done!"
Perform a full synchronization after the mapping has been created.
Hope this has been helpful!
Happy SharePointing!
1 comment:
Flipped from tehnoon's website??
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