Wednesday, July 9, 2014

SharePoint 2010 Approval Workflow-- use the "open this task" button is missing?

Issue: Today,  I'd run the OOTB approval workflow in SharePoint 2010 , I'd received the below task email to my outlook(2010) But when I try to click /open on the Open This Task Button, However I cannot locate that button for any user.

To complete this task:
  1. Review Test Ravi.
  2. Perform the specific activities required for this task.
  3. Use the Open this task button to mark the task as completed. (If you cannot update this task, you might not have access to it. Click here to request access.)


The reason for this is because SharePoint 2010 assumes you have Outlook as your
mail client and the email that is sent out eludes to an Open this Task button
which in Outlook appears on the
OUTLOOK toolbar


If you have outlook 2010 client installed , you can find the "Open this Task" button on Outlook Ribbon, but not is email. Please see the below pic.

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