Thursday, July 3, 2008

SharePoint 2007 - Add New User Bug

SharePoint 2007 - Add New User Bug
I am starting to wonder if my expectations are too high. I have been working with this product since Beta 1. Of course there were lots of bugs then. Then Beta 2 came along, fewer bugs, but of course we have to remember, over the course of the betas, I didn't test everything. Then they release Beta 2TR. This build looked pretty darn good. So good in fact that we started a project and were using the Beta 2TR as a development platform, with a release date of mid December (now), knowing (ummm, hoping) that we would be able to use the production build for deployment. We knew it was Beta and we knew there would still be bugs. So fine. Well, now we have the "Gold" code and I am wondering, as stated earlier, if my expectations are to high. If you have a virtual machine available, follow along in the steps below and tell me if you have a solution to my problem. Essentially, we have automated the process of group management in SharePoint using MIIS and the SharePoint web services. Something is terribly wrong with how the product is behaving as this problem manifests itself if the procedure is done thru the user interface as demonstrated below.

This is happening in production; we found this out as we deployed and did some final testing, although the issue will not manifest itself right away, I am confident it will eventually and need a solution and/or fix.

The specs for my virtual environment are as follows:

Windows Server 2003 SP1 with IIS, Active Directory
SQL Server 2005 SP1
Windows SharePoint Service v3 - production is Office SharePoint Server 2007, this issue is WSS related, so WSS will suffice.
Follow these steps:

Open up Active Directory Users and Computers and add a user. This user does not need to be in any group or have any special permission, just create a plain old vanilla user.
Browse to your WSS site, go to Site Actions...Site Settings...People and groups.
Under New, select Add Users.
Use the picker to find your user, although this is not necessary. Make sure that you are adding him/her to the correct group and click OK.
Click the Home tab to get back to the home page of your site.
Click Sign in as Different User from the links available when you click on your login name at the top right hand section of the page.
Sign in as the new user. You will log on successfully. So far so good!
Return to Active Directory Users and Computers and delete the user you created in the previous set of steps.
Return to SharePoint and try to login as the user you just deleted. As expected, you are denied access. Great!
Scenario #1 - Use Existing

Browse to your WSS site, go to Site Actions...Site Settings...People and groups. Notice that your user is still there. That's expected, since we did not remove him from the Site Collection.
Return to Active Directory Users and Computers and add the exact same user; same First name, same Last name, same User logon name, same Password.
Open a new browser and attempt to login as the new user.
You will get the following Access Denied screen:

I expected this behavior because the user I originally added to SharePoint is not the user I just created again in Active Directory. Although they have the same User logon name, they most certainly have different SID's.
Scenario #2 - Replace

Logon to WSS as an administrator, browse to your WSS site, go to Site Actions...Site Settings...People and groups.
Under New, select Add Users.
Use the picker to find your new (second) user, although this is not necessary. Make sure that you are adding him/her to the correct group and click OK. In theory, I would expect this process to "replace" the existing user in SharePoint with the new one.
Open a new browser and attempt to login as the new user.
As in step 13, you get the same Access Denied screen. This is not expected, since I just "replaced" a user.
This is the point where we are going to branch and I am going to demonstrate an unusual phenomenon that I cannot explain.

Scenario #3 - Use New

Logon to WSS as an administrator, browse to your WSS site, go to Site Actions...Site Settings...People and groups.
Click All People in the Quick Launch navigation.
Check the checkbox next to the user you had first added to SharePoint back in step 4. Remember, this is the original user.
Click Actions...Delete Users from Site Collection. Click OK in the warning popup. We do in fact want to completely remove this user from the Site Collection. One would assume that this action does in fact completely remove the user. Keep that in mind.
Click on the group to which you originally had added the user to. You will notice that the user is in fact gone.
Under New, select Add Users.
Use the picker to find your second user, although this is not necessary. Make sure that you are adding him/her to the correct group and click OK. Keep in mind that we have just deleted the user from the Site Collection in step 4, so I fully expect this step to add the new user correctly.
Click the Home tab to get back to the home page of your site.
Click Sign in as Different User from the links available when you click on your login name at the top right hand section of the page.
As before, you get the same Access Denied screen. This is not expected, since I just completely removed a user, then added a completely new one.
Remove the user from the Site Collection by following the steps above.
I fully expected that to work as well. So we can see that "replacing" a user with a user with the same user logon name (imagine John Smith quitting and Jane Smith being hired in the same day; a likely scenario, especially if your User logon name standard is first initial, last name), and completely removing a user and adding a "new" user with the same User logon name, does NOT play nice with SharePoint. Now for the only "Solution" I could come up with.

Lame duck Solution

At this point, SharePoint should not have either of the 2 users you created and added, and Active Directory should have only the 2nd user you created. Restart your virtual environment web server (in my case everything is on one machine).
Verify that the 2nd user you created is still in Active Directory and that the user is not a member of the Site Collection users.
Logon to WSS as an administrator, browse to your WSS site, go to Site Actions...Site Settings...People and groups.
Under New, select Add Users.
Use the picker to find your new (second) user, although this is not necessary. Make sure that you are adding him/her to the correct group and click OK.
Open a new browser and attempt to login as the new user. This will be successful.

All I can conclude is that something is being cached somewhere on the web server, or the user is not completely deleted from the Site Collection until some sort of timer job runs when the server gets rebooted. I have tried IIS resets and they do not work. Regardless, I think the "replace" that is happening in my first scenario should work as I expect it to, but it is not.

Please chime in with ANY ideas you may have.

Published 15 December 2006 06:10 AM by Dan Attis
Filed under: SharePoint

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